Brand Vallibel was bestowed a glowing accolade as the Group’s name-bearer Vallibel Finance was picked among Sri Lanka’s Best Employer Brands at the annual event hosted by the World HRD Congress.
Sri Lanka Best Employer Brand Awards is also endorsed by Asian Confederation of Businesses and CMO Council. The international Jury picked the best among Sri Lanka’s best 50 employer brands, singling out accolades for outstanding employee cultures.
Sri Lanka’s Best Employer Brand Awards and the awards for branding and marketing recognize outstanding performance among organizations and their key performers. The gala event was held recently at Water’s Edge officiated by Hon. Arjuna Ranatunga, Minister of Ports and Shipping.
“We have been on a relentless quest, creating opportunity for people across the country. Today, it’s a big celebration on the pinnacle of success, for we have been recognized not only for our commitment to customers but now, with this international award, for our commitment to employees as well”, said Jayantha Rangamuwa, Managing Director of Vallibel Finance, who has led from its inception under the visionary leadership of Mr. Dhammika Perera, whose takeover of the company in 2005 marked the beginning of a new era for the robust finance company.
“Vallibel Finance has the big onus of carrying the name of the Vallibel Group and we are overjoyed by this recognition which is a tribute to the Group’s contribution to the country”, he said.
We couldn’t have locked in such resounding success if not for the commitment of our employees numbering nearly 700. The Best Employer Brand Award recognizes that Vallibel Finance is indeed a great place to work”, Mr. Rangamuwa added.