Inivos Consulting (Pvt) Ltd which provides adaptable and comprehensive business solutions to its clients hosted ‘Transform 2.0’ for the second consecutive year at the Galle Face Hotel.
The primary goal of this event was to enlighten business leaders about the significance of investing in an ERP application for their enterprises and to showcase how Inivos Consulting plans to assist by offering tailor-made solutions to facilitate their business evolution.
The event’s agenda featured a keynote presentation that pushed the boundaries of envisioning the future of the Sri Lankan economy, delivered by Dr. Kishu Gomes.
A panel discussion on the theme “Unleashing Your Business’s Potential through ERP Investments,” moderated by the Chief Operating Officer, Ayomi Gunawardena followed.
The panelist included, Past Secretary of Ministry of Technology and Past CEO of IFS Sri Lanka, Jayantha De Silva, Head of Finance, Airport and Aviation Authority, Jayalath Abeywardena, Samia Al-Abri, Asst. Finance Controller of Madayn, a government entity in Oman and, the CTO of Inivos, Lahiru Karunatilake. This discussion outlined the significance of business transformation while having ERP as the backbone, their role in overall business expansion, and instances of successful implementation.
The event showcased a variety of enlightening sessions, including an exploration of the IFS roadmap that delved into the trajectory of IFS’s future by Nuwan Perera Vice President of IFS R&D. The event encompassed dedicated booths offering expert insights on Budget Solutions, Field Service Management (FSM), Software Solutions, IFS Assyst, and Huawei Cloud Solutions. The session concluded by encouraging for their existing clients and those contemplating the initiation of their transformative endeavors to collaborate with Inivos to unleash their business potential in the most optimal manner.