Norlanka, an exporter of baby and children’s wear, with the Environmental Conservation and Management Society of University of Kelaniya concluded Phase 1 of a mangrove restoration project in the coastal area of Chilaw recently. Over 100 participants from Norlanka and the university joined this restoration project.
Mangrove ecosystems of Sri Lanka are rapidly degrading due to the pollution caused by various human activities. This project aims to restore mangrove ecosystems in selected areas of the Sri Lankan coast while raising awareness on their importance. During the initial stages, a series of webinars were conducted by the University to create awareness about the project. Under Phase 1 of the project, 650 mangrove plants were restored with the help of the volunteers. Phase 2 of the project involves regular monitoring of the changes in the restored mangrove cover. During the first two years, regular monitoring of growing seedlings and maintenance work needs to be carried out to ensure the plants grow properly. Norlanka, Chief Innovation Officer Buddhi Paranamana said, “The global apparel industry has a significant effect on the environment and therefore, we need to always strive to create an industry that is held accountable. Norlanka firmly believes in this and that is why, along with our many other ESG efforts, we have invested in reforestation programs.”