Dinosaurs | Sunday Observer


30 October, 2022

Dinosaurs were in the world 230 million years ago from the middle to the late Triassic Period of the Mesozoic Era. Sir Richard Owen named them ‘Dinosaurs’. Mbiresaurus raathiis is believed to be the first dinosaur in the world 230 million years ago. Dinosaurs lived longer than humans. Dinosaur brains are smaller than human brains.

There are many types of dinosaurs. Scientists say the dinosaurs had a lifespan of 200 years. Dinosaur types are; Tyrannosaurs rex, Spinosaurus, Velociraptor, Brachiosaurus, Brontosaurus, Diplodocus, Dilophosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Allosaurus, Therizinosaurus, Carnotaurus, Theropods, Argentinosaurus, Apatosaurus, Titanosaurus, Sauroposeidon, Troodon, Baryonyx, Nyasasaurus, Sauropoda, Archaeopteryx, Oviraptorosaurs, Plateosaurus, Deinocheirus, Titanosauria, Herrerasaurus, Mamenchisaurus, Eoraptor, Amargasaurus and Saurischia. Among these, the most dangerous dinosaur was the Tyrannosaurs rex. The short name of this dinosaur is T-Rex. Its bite is stronger than a lion’s bite. Its hands are very small. Among the dinosaurs, Spinosaurus was capable of hunting. The Velociraptor can run 64km/h.

The smallest dinosaur is the Micro raptor. Hadrosaurus had approximately 500 teeth.

Currently, their are movies based on dinosaurs.

They ate different kinds of food. Some dinosaurs were meat eaters or herbivores or omnivores. Fossils of dinosaurs are found buried in the soil.

Humans have found fossils of dinosaurs in the soil. Dinosaurs were also very large in size. The bones of the dinosaurs are kept in museums. The tallest dinosaur of these was the Brachiosaurs. It was 13 metres tall. The dinosaurs also lived in the sea. Unfortunately, Dinosaurs are now extinct.

Opinions on how the dinosaurs became extinct, differ among scientists. But, the popular belief among scientists is that when the dinosaurs were living on earth, a very big meteorite crashed into it.

Then, the earth became very cold. Dinosaurs which could not bear the extreme weather often died.” Dinosaurs have been extinct for many years.

Scientists are trying to recreate dinosaur types.

Nishathan Balaram
Grade 6-E
Jaffna Hindu College
