Education is very important for acquiring knowledge and skills.
It is very useful in the life of all of us. Everyone has the right to education from their birth.
Education is very important for both males and females equally. Without education, no one can understand the difference between right and wrong.
Education makes us humble, creates awareness and also expands our vision. It helps us to maintain discipline in our life. An educated person is a respected human being in society. But uneducated people’s lives are not stable, because of the lack of education and knowledge. Education is very important for the social and economic development of a nation. It is a must for a good future and a stable life.
Education plays a vital role to shape our future as successful persons in life and as responsible citizens in society. It is the best path to success. Education is very important to lead a happy and good life and it develops our character and personality. So, as children we should make it the main responsibility in our lives to be well educated and become good and successful citizens in society.
K.A. Udan Senuja, Grade 8
Sussex College, Galle