Tertiary Education is Post-Secondary School Education, which is different from Post- Secondary Education as it is after successful completion of secondary education ie after GCE “A-levels” or equivalent qualifications.
Tertiary Education covers a wide area including University education and Degree awarding institutes as provided by the Universities Act and respective Acts of other Universities outside the Universities Grants Commission (UGC), Off shore Universities granting degrees,Higher Diplomas by overseas universities through Private training institutes by the authority vested on them by the respective Senates and Governing Councils or equivalent bodies, Professional Courses of the Organization of Professional Associations (OPA), Higher Education Institutes of the Ministry of Higher Education, Colleges of Education of the Ministry of Education, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutes under the Ministry of Skills development and Vocational Training and others as displayed in the chart. The main purpose of this article is to indicate primarily the Tertiary and Vocational Education and Training institutes Registered with the Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission (TVEC), and the courses of study of such institutes which are Accredited by the TVEC.
To legalise and enforce the education, the Tertiary and Vocational Education Act No. 20 of 1990 (as amended) has prescribed among its general Objects ‘the maintenance of academic and training standards in institutes, agencies and all other establishments providing tertiary education and vocational education’.
The current Accredited courses of study and the Registered Institutes are illustrated in the TVET Guide 2018, on a Provincial basis, in the website: [email protected]. For the convenience of all stakeholders, such as student trainees, parents, Principalsand teachers of schools, employers, those especially from the industry this information would be available to offer their services to interact with the institutes. Most of the courses are based on the National Vocational Qualification framework (NVQ 1-7) where levels 1-4 are at Certificate level, 5 & 6 are at Diploma level and Level 7 being a Degree. At present there are 615 Registered institutes (405 Public & Private 210) and 3715 Accredited courses of study (2847 NVQ & 868 Non NVQ) conducted at the University of Vocational Technology (UNIVOTEC) in Ratmalana. Technology graduates who have pursued the programmes of study as per the conditions laid down by the Sydney Accord and the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) would be eligible initially for “Affiliate Status” of the IESL.
While there may be shortcomings, delays and improvements necessary, it could be assured that all these are being looked into by the Authorities. If there are suggestions for improvement,constructive comments are most welcome to the email address: [email protected]
It is hoped that the above would generally present the policies on Tertiary Education, regulations which govern the establishment and continuation of tertiary and vocational education institutes as described in the TVE Act and the practices of providing tertiary and vocational education Courses of Study islandwide.
The writer is Chancellor,
University of Vocational Technology and Chairman,
Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission