Young crusaders against drugs | Sunday Observer

Young crusaders against drugs

2 December, 2018

Students, clergy, staff and parents of St. John Paul II English Medium College and Cambridge College sent out a loud and clear warning against a burning issue that has gripped the nation. In their very successful PAULIAN WALK 2018, they denounced drugs and its users to come out clean and save precious God-given lives. The young ones and elders trekked a long distance from Wennappuwa to Lunuwila cheerfully with floats and banners, headed by a massive cut-out of the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II in a flower-decked float. It was a great bit of art work. People lined the streets to watch the spiritual procession that braved the morning sun.

The day was dedicated to The World Drugs Day and in no uncertain ways the young and not-so young sheep paid homage to their own shepherd, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Valence Mendis, Bishop of Chilaw, their mentor, spiritual guide and reformer.

The Paulian Walk was led by the pioneering Rector, Rev.Fr. Neville Coonge, Vice Rector, Rev. Fr. Manju Bernard and the Principal of John Paul English Medium College, Rev. Sister Anne Muriel along with the Principal of Cambridge College, Rev. Fr. Janith Kaushalya.

- Gwen Herat
