Circle A, B, C or D that most accurately fits the meaning and check your answers with the key.
1. Sumptuous
A. honest
B. lavish
C. heavy
D. sweet
2. Cascade
A. waterfall
B. long hair
C. river
D. praise
3. Insatiable
A. likely to happen
B. trustworthy
C. impossible to satisfy
D. rudimentary
4. Fetish
A. polite behaviour
B. reliable witness
C. new recruit
D. object of obsessive
5. Penchant
A. liking for something
B. elaborate plan
C. dangerous
D. compartment
6. Explicit
A. dim-witted
B. clear
C. knowledgeable
D. innocent
7. Arcana
A. reliable
B. sociable
C. unexpected
D. mysterious
8. Flippery
A. showiness
B. arrogance
C. innocence
D. brilliance
9. Heinous
A. kind
B. wicked
C. ruined
D. rare
10. Nemesis
A. friend
B. opponent
C. stranger
D. uninvited guest
11. Scurrilous
A. shocking
B. noteworthy
C. abusive
D. careless
12. Mendacious
A. truthful
B. indecent
C. loyal
D. not truthful
13. Vindication
A. justification
B. defamation
C. honour
D. rivalry
14. Commemorate
A. remember
B. honour
C. to advise
D. celebrate
15. Meld
A. purchase
B. shine
C. to merge
D. to reduce
16. Mordant
A. sharply sarcastic
B. alarming
C. funny
D. deadly
17. Proselytize
A. to confront
B. to convert
C. to establish
D. to destroy
18. Duplicity
A. imitation
B. repetition
C. deceit
D. double standard
19. Hegemony
A. unlawfulness
B. democracy
C. mass killing
D. dominance
20. Rant
A. to speak wildly
B. to praise
C. to honour
D. to hide
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. A
9. B
10. B
11. C
12. D
13. A
14. B
15. C
16. A
17. B
18. C
19. D
20. A
10 – 14 Correct: Good
15 – 17 Correct: Excellent
18 – 20 Correct: Exceptional