SLT-MOBITEL continues to expand 5G trial developments in Sri Lanka | Page 5 | Sunday Observer

SLT-MOBITEL continues to expand 5G trial developments in Sri Lanka

9 July, 2023
5G powered drone and remote-controlled car
5G powered drone and remote-controlled car

SLT-MOBITEL partnered with Pristine Innovations (Pvt), an IT and ERP solution provider, recently to create a platform enabling 5G-based low latency application developments in Sri Lanka.

The collaboration has set up a networking platform for ecosystem partners to gain insights on 5G technology and its capabilities, digitisation prospects, and promote co-innovation by encouraging the use of 5G technology.Local industries and the nation are expected to benefit from this collaboration.

In a pioneering project, leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as NB-IOT and AI, in addition to 5G strengths, the teams from SLT-MOBITEL and Pristine have successfully demonstrated a 5G based remote controlled racing car and a 5G based FPV racing drone, both developed internally. The control and video streaming related communication for both units were facilitatedthroughSLT-MOBITEL’s state-of-the-art 5G trial network.

SLT-MOBITEL is recognised for creating and nurturing a vibrant ecosystem of partners and start-ups to support faster adoption of next-generation technologies, encouraging the formation and expansion of digitisation opportunitiesand empowering digital lifestyles.

SLT-MOBITEL also understands the value of 5G and AI as core technologies towards realising a new world and new lifestyles. Taking a co-creation approach, SLT-MOBITEL aims to work with enterprises and system integrators, to develop innovative solutions.

Initiating co-innovation with enterprises and system integrators, SLT-MOBITEL intends to develop new solutions and experiences for enterprises helping consumers unlocking the full benefits 5G technology has to offer and support thedevelopment of an unlimited range of industrialapplications that could contribute to the accelerated digitalisation of local industries.

Recognising 5G as a game-changer, SLT-MOBITEL was the first to trial the technology in South Asia in 2018.Ushering the 5G revolution, offering a powerful futuristic mobile experience for customers, the company also expanded its 5G pre-commercial trial network across main cities in the country, setting pathways in enabling customers to experience the possibilities of 5G technology seamlessly. 
