EMPLOYMENT & SERVICES | Page 2 | Sunday Observer


2 July, 2023

Business Opportunities

NeedLadies /​Gents who wish to join a business /​company. High payments daily /​weekly /​monthly. 0725459395.               

Domestic Aides Services

AAAAAAIsha Agencies for Housemaids,​Nannies,​female Attendants and Cooks. Get them down from us with 25 years experience. Govt registered. Sampath,​Dehiwala Road,​Boralesgamuwa. 0778837387.

Ablereliable Drivers Dailymaids Staymaids Cooks Gardeners Attendants available. Supershine Service,​Boralesgamuwa. 0777473694,​0775822976.   

Wehave 20 years experience in Manpower Agency. We can provide experienced hardworking Housemaids,​Cleaners,​Babysitters,​male/​female Attendants,​male/​female Cooks,​all routes experienced Drivers,​Gardeners,​Couples,​Watchers,​Daily Comers (8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) All are one year warranty with four (04) replacements,​reasonable charge. Government authorized registered company. Lucky Agency,​No. 20 1/​1,​Galle Road,​Dehiwala. 011-4551800 /​0778144404,​Mrs Shany - 0117522944 /​0770840192.     

15years experience in Job Recruitment Agency. Have experienced hardworking Housemaids,​Cleaners,​Babysitters,​male/​female Attendants,​male/​female Cooks,​all routes experienced Drivers,​Gardeners,​Couples,​Watchers,​Daily Comers (8 a.m. - 5 p.m.). All are one year warranty with four (04) replacements reasonable charge. Government authorized registered company. R & R Domestic Recruitment Agency. 0117650055 /​0771555483 /​0759997555.       

Positions Vacant Marketing

WantedSales Assistant girl or boy Jewellery Shop in Colombo. Call 077362163.               

Positions Vacant Clerical / Secretarial

Amale typist with a good knowledge of English is required for a firm in Colombo. Computer knowledge is an added qualification. Salary negotiable. Phone 077-6614292. 

PrivateSecretary (Executive Admin) for a US based E Commerce Company located at Athurugiriya degree holders are preferred. Ideal age 25 - 45 with good English and computer knowledge salary 50 - 65 k depending on education and experience. Working hours M - Sat. 8 - 5 p.m. year end bonus available. WhatsApp CV to : 0760059065.               

Positions Vacant Educational

Arabicteacher good in English wanted urgently for grades 1-10,​for further information please contact +94 77 3067450.      

Positions Vacant Domestic

BabySitter - Young couple living in an apartment in Rajagiriya urgently looking for a Baby Sitter to look after a two year old girl with experience,​English speaking and past references. 6 hours a day. Live in can be considered. Salary over Rs. 35,​000/​- depending on experience. Please call for details/​interview on 0717288097.

Positions Vacant Hotel & Bakery

HawaiRestaurant - Battaramulla. We are looking for well experienced North Indian,​South Indian Chefs (Indian Dishes) and wellknown other cooking dishes. Salary - LKR 150,​000 - 200,​000 (Negotiable). For further details - 0773658648 /​0755618441.           

Hotelvacancies in Kithulgala,​Manager with Ayurveda resort experience,​Ayurvedic doctor with German language knowledge. Please reply with recently taken photograph. i​n​f​o​@​a​r​a​m​y​a​.​l​k​0773156302.

Immediatevacancies in Tourist Hotel in Kandy. Receptionist (age 18-40 English with good computer knowledge). Cleaners,​Room Boys,​Cook (age 20-45). Please come with certificates for walk-in interview before 15th July. No. 32 A,​Saranankara Road,​Kandy. Contact: 0773123135.   

TouristBoard approved restaurant needs well experienced waiters & barmen,​salary Rs. 50,​000/​=. Further details - 0773658648.           

Vacancyfor Guest Operations Staff,​for a 3 bedroom Villa in Kalugamuwa,​Peradeniya. Male,​a trained cook with hotel/​restaurant experience needed. Basic English speaker. Food & accommodation provided. Salary negotiable and includes incentives per guest booking. Call 0777106867. WhatsApp CV to: +94701802178.           

Positions Vacant General

Aforeign employment agency needs experienced employees,​higher salary. English knowledge and computer knowledge is required. (Special around Wennappuwa). i​n​f​o​e​u​r​o​f​l​y​h​o​l​d​i​n​g​s​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​077-4523150,​031-4313130.  

Retiredgentleman required as a Personal Assistant of a Doctor family. English knowledge,​Computer and documentation knowledge required. Driving Licence is an added advantage. Send details to WhatsApp 0771277842.           

Vacancyfor answering calls. Send resume/​infos to s​a​n​b​a​l​a​s​a​n​k​a​r​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​ 

Wanteda male candidate who can teach & explain about the social media’s age between 35 - 55,​good knowledge in English,​working hours 10.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. for more details contact - 071 4 888 754. No. 84,​Nawala Road,​Nugegoda. 

Wantedprofessional male Supervisor for a polythene factory with basic qualification age 25 - 50. Sent to email : a​k​s​h​a​y​a​m​@​s​l​t​n​e​t​.​l​k​Tel. 2424850 during working hrs.

Positions Wanted

Accountantexperience with HR,​Admin,​local and gulf countries experience looking for job. Telephone : 0741 360 128.       

Iam a 45 years old driver with 18 years experience. Short term/​long term drivers Job is sought. 0773827176,​0711121260.   

Lookingfor Employment - Post: Office Assistant or Field Officer (Colombo Fort Area). Contact : 0775 770125,​0776 771 888.           

Tuition Available

AAL/​OL6 7 8 9 Mathematics Physics Chemistry “A” assured Graduate Teacher home visited. 0723067730.           

A/​LAccounting and Economics English/​Sinhala medium classes for 2025/​2024,​rapid revision for 2023 online or home visited. Classes are conducted by a Chartered Accountant BSc Accounting (first class) voice: 077-0500625.             

Economics,​Business Studies,​Commerce,​London OL/​AL,​Edexcel,​Cambridge,​IGCSE,​IAL local A1 (English medium) by experienced graduate teacher. 0777-361019. 

EnglishElocution and English medium Maths and Science,​homes visited in Gampaha area. Rs. 2000/​= per hour. Priyankara Gamage. 071-3577054.  

EnglishLanguage /​Literature for Cambridge /​Edexcel /​National syllabus by Dr Milan PhD. an experienced Teacher who taught English in English Grammar schools in England. Homes visited or online individual classes for O.L.,​I.G.C.S.E.,​AL,​BA. 0788445577.           

EnglishLiterature,​Language for Cambridge Edexcel,​National (O/​L,​A/​L) by English Graduate. 23B,​Anderson Road,​Ratmalana. 0779604004.   

Englishlanguage and literature (London /​Local) for all grades primary all subjects English medium home visiting Wellawatte,​Dehiwala,​Mt Lavinia. 0718079947.             

Englishspoken,​IELTS,​O/​L,​A/​L method to become fluent for the weak. Rs. 8000/​=,​super knowledge,​motivation /​True path. 071 947 9217. 

Frenchclasses for OL,​AL (Local/​Cambridge/​Edexcel) and DELF Exams preparation for A1 and A2 levels. Conducted by a DELF B2 level qualified,​FLE certified and an experienced teacher. Online,​home visit or small group classes. Call 0753903531.         

G.C.E.(O/​L) 2023 Sinhala & History full Revision. Grade 6-10 same subjects. Experienced Graduate Teacher. Home visited. Tel. 0718152198.   

IGCSEICT O/​L Cambridge/​Edexcel (Grade 6-O/​L) classes,​special paper and theory classes for 2023 students. Overseas qualified teacher. 071-7328023.   040212

LadyTeacher visits/​online IELTS,​Spoken English,​Sinhala,​Tamil & other subjects all grades. 0778135914.            

MathematicsAS/​A2 AL OL Cambridge Edexcel Pure Maths (P1-P4) Statistics (S1-S2) Mechanics (M1-M3) Further Maths (FP1-FP3) Additional Maths I.B. Maths by results-oriented,​more than 15 years experienced BSc graduate teacher (online/​visiting/​groups). 0777-789976.            

Mathematicsfor weak students those who want to obtain “A” passes in Cambridge /​Edexcel National syllabus O/​L,​IGCSE,​A/​L. Please call Dr Milan PhD. Homes visited or online individual classes. 0788445577.    

PhysicsLondon A/​L,​O/​L revision by retired BSc teacher experienced top international schools Boralesgamuwa. 0718868526.           
