Office Equipment for Sale
Office furniture (chairs,desk & etc) work partitions for sale. Contact: 0762133337.
Arms & Ammunition
W. Thomas and Sons Importers and Manufacturers of Air-Rifles. Professionals for firearm repairs. We manufacture guns according to the Customer’s requirements with a 5 year warranty from Rs. 42500/= upwards. Guns can be purchased only from Kadawatha. 0114361961 /0115737777 /0777319250 /0777079250.
Furniture for Sale
Furniture for sale. Antique furniture for sale. T. No. 0703290738.
Household Item & Elect. Appliances for Sale
Since owner leaving abroad in a hurry all used household furniture,beds cupboards,fridge,washing machine,oven,new dinner set,curtain for sale. 0761757760,WhatsApp 077 33 79 508.
Books & Magazines
Need to give up,downsize,donate or sell (wholesale) your personal library. Homes visited. Contact 0777745600.