Cars for Sale
EN Minor car for sale. Minor engine,Gear Box for sale. Minor old car repairs undertaken. 0778232764.
Budget Vehicles for Sale
Daihatsu 16-850cc Auto-Coure Rs. 880,000/=,14 - 1000cc Charade Rs. 680,000/=. 12 - 1400cc Flat Light Rs. 850,000/=,4 - 1300 VW. Rs. 950,000/=. Nugegoda. 0722841786,0718262853.
Buses & Lorries for Sale
Isuzu TD20 Lorry,Cab/Chassis,new paint /wiring /engine fully overhauled. Rs. three million. 0773864644.
Vehicles Wanted
All kinds of cars,vans,jeeps and cabs are required on rent basis without the driver immediately to be deployed in state and private sector use lumpsum payment and relief packages. Govt. Registration No. WC 18880 Pannipitiya - Kandy - Matara. 011-2846026.