Cars for Sale
Vehicle No. CAO-2xxx year 2015 eight seated first owner KM 59000 family used car full insurance white good condition. 074-1632120.
Toyota Cars for Sale
Toyota Yaris for sale. Year of Manufacture 2007,Year of Registration 2007,Automatic Transmission,mint condition,power shutters,power steering,Beige interior. 149,000km done. Contact 0777762242 for more information.
Vehicles - Hire/Lease Services
Cars for rent. Please contact 0777584491.
Jeeps & Pickups for Sale
Montero Sports - Mitsubishi 2012 company maintained. Genuine mileage |Rs. 10,500,000. Contact - 0773 262 862.
Vehicles Wanted
Cars,vans,jeeps,cabs are required immediately without the driver to be deployed in public and private sectors. Pre payments and host of concessionary packages. Govt. registered No. WC-18880. Pannipitiya,Kandy,Matara. 011-2846026.