Toyota Cars for Sale
Toyota C.H.R. 2019 Regis. auto Wine Red C.B.J. 4xxx mint condition,lady owner. 0740796882,0718237594.
Vans for Sale
Suzuki Buddy Van Mode-2011 Auto PG-No. White A/C power. Contact: 0770192827,0778503787.
Jeeps & Pickups for Sale
Nissan Navara Outlaw 2007 4WD manual 6 gear 160,000km Black 2nd owner 2500cc 5,900,000 negotiable. 0773002168 for immediate sale. No Brokers.
Vehicles Wanted
All makes of cars,vans,jeeps,cabs are required immediately on rent basis without the driver to be deployed in public and private sector use. Advance payment,lot of concessionary packages. Govt. Registration No. WC-18880. Pannipitiya,Kandy,Matara. 0112-846026.
Car/mini SUV wanted for family use. Maximum 1500km /month,budget Rs. 45,000 /month. Battaramulla. 0772376365.
Wanted 3 Sri Wolseley 1500cc,4 Sri Ford Prefect /Anglia. Please call /text details. 0777577862.