Expand your vocabulary | Sunday Observer

Expand your vocabulary

23 April, 2023

Circle A, B, C or D that most accurately fits the meaning and check your answers with the key.

1. Glut

A. excessive supply
B. serious shortage
C. quantity
D. congestion

2. Lucrative

A. slippery
B. profitable
C. incredible
D. unprofitable

3. Inept

A. large
B. insecure
C. incompetent
D. secret

4. Savvy

A. brilliance
B. honesty
C. beauty
D. shrewdness

5. Liquidator

One who
A. closes down a business
B. can be trusted
C. protects your valuables
D. comes to your help

6. Underwriter

One who
A. criticises you
B. finances something
C. works for you
D. trains you

7. Green mail

A. held-up mail
B. air letters
C. a takeover threat
D. money from mail

8. Mother lode

A. parent company
B. addition
C. overstock
D. rich source

9. Conglomerate

A. large corporation
B. small company
C. subsidiary
D. monopoly

10. Fraudulent

A. offensive
B. credible
C. deceitful
D. honest

11. Blue-chip

Designating a
A. takeover target
B. good company stock
C. winning number
D. poor bet

12. Subsidiary

A. new company
B. substitution
C. unlicensed company
D. a business controlled
by another

13. Ethical

A. moral
B. immoral
C. practical
D. professional

14. Dun

A. to add
B. to solicit money for charity
C. to find fault
D. to press for payment

15. Aborted

A. started
B. terminated
C. delayed
D. overlooked

16. Arbitrage

A. legal action
B. decentralisation
C. assumption of control
D. profit from unequal prices

17. Windfall

A. unexpected good fortune
B. sudden financial reversal
C. illegal profit
D. period of low activity

18. Debenture

A. failed business
B. weakness
C. bond
D. partnership

19. Caveat emptor

A. empty the safe
B. not to give in
C. not to trust anyone
D. let the buyer beware

20. Golden parachute

A. lucrative severance contract
B. well-paid job
C. new position
D. decorated office


1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. C
11. B
12. D
13. A
14. D
15. B
16. D
17. A
18. C
19. D
20. A


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