GENERAL | Page 2 | Sunday Observer


26 March, 2023

Computers / Lap Tops & Accessories for Sale

HP Laptop Intel Radio Model 14-BW025 AO little used input 19.5 VDC 2-31A,​45,​000/​= HP 3X1 Copier - need cartridges 5000/​=. Wimal,​23,​Church Rd.,​Kandana. 0778611418.

Arms & Ammunition

Thomas & Sons Kadawatha have given pride of place to Shotgun Industry and strive to retain much needed dollars drained out of the country. Our present Chairman Deshamanya Roystan Anton Thomas won the medal for the best entrepreneur in the year 2021. Now you can buy locally manufactured Air Rifles at reasonable prices. Repairs,​spares and after sales services available. 0777079250 /​WhatsApp 0777-319250,​0112972608 /​0115737777.

W. Thomas & Sons,​professionals in fire arms and rifle industry good results for simians and giant squirrels - Now 100% effective guns have been manufactured with 100% results - speed 800 - 200m range guns Rs. 41500 - Chinese guns speed 500 - range 50m - Rs. 36000/​-. Repairs from the mobile service. Purchasing guns only at Kadawatha. 011-4361961,​0115737777,​WhatsApp 0777-319250,​072-7319250.

Furniture for Sale

Solid Teakwood king sized double bed size 78x72 excellent condition,​no mattress. Price Rupees 50,​000/​= Colombo 3. 0771665339.

125 Nos. of steel folding beds with Arpico mattresses are available for immediate sale. At the rate of 5,​000/​=. Contact details - 0714-558124 between 8.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. Maliban Biscuit Manufactories,​389,​Galle Road,​Ratmalana.

Books & Magazines

Wanted Sri Lanka Maps,​Navigation Charts,​old Souvenirs,​posters and other commemorative publications,​will visit homes. Contact : 0777745600.

Kennel Notices for Sale

Chocolate Brown,​female Labrador Puppy for sale at Kotalawela. Father direct imported & mother one side imported,​KASL registered. Tel : 0742134811.

Philatelic & Coins

Wanted Sri Lanka first day covers,​special covers and cancellations,​folders and booklets,​first flight covers,​ships,​boats,​first port of call covers,​collections. Will visit homes. Contact : 0777745600.
