The scratched diamond | Sunday Observer

The scratched diamond

26 February, 2023

Everyone has their own imperfections. We need to change them into positive and interesting thoughts.


The Maggid of Dubno was known for his parables. Whenever someone asked him, a question, he would always answer with a story. One day, a student was walking with the Maggid of Dubno and asked him, “Rabbi, I have many imperfections, so many faults. How can I change them to become a better person?”

This is the answer.

Once upon a time, there was a king who owned the best diamond in the world. It had a flawless shape. So it was the most valuable object found on Earth at that time. He was so proud of it and showed it off to all the visitors he had.

A deep scratch

One day, the king noticed a deep scratch on this precious diamond. He immediately called all the professional diamond cutters in the kingdom and asked “Who can change my diamond back to its original shape?”

Knowing the king for many years, the senior cutters did not promise as they were not sure about it.

A junior cutter

But, there was a trainee diamond cutter who raised his hand and accepted the challenge. The offer was confirmed. At the end of the agreement the junior cutter said, “Your Majesty, none of the seniors accepted the challenge. But I accept the challenge. It does not mean that a junior diamond cutter cam a sure you that the job will be done.

But I will give my best try,” he said.

The king had no other option than placing his hopes on the young trainee.

He worked day and night. After several days of hard work in a private room, he presented his wonder work to the king.

The intelligent king realised that the young man had converted the imperfect diamond into a unique masterpiece. The young diamond cutter had crafted a rose with fine petals, it’s stem and leaves with the diamond.

It became the most precious and valuable diamond in the kingdom.

The king appreciated the talent of the brave young diamond cutter and appointed him as the craftsman of the royal palace. He was rewarded with money and lands for his creativity.

The Maggid turned to his student who was curious about imperfections. He said, Son! Just like the diamond with a scratch, we all have different imperfections. It is up to you to change all of them into beauty and value in an unique you.”


