A journey at night | Sunday Observer

A journey at night

29 January, 2023

The moon’s like a wizard’s face in the sky,
The night is as black as a cat,
The trees, branches rustle and wave as you pass,
Then reach down to snatch off your hat.

The wind wants to whisper a secret to you,
An owl hoots “no! no! shouldn’t tell”,
You can hear a dog howling or is it a wolf,
And rings of a distant church bell.

A monster is lying in wait by the path,
With hundreds of feet and big teeth,
Or is it a tree fallen, struck in a storm,
With toadstools growing beneath?

Quick! Is it a light you can see through the woods,
Hurry up. There are bats flying around,
Here you are at the gate, mom opens the door,
And you are home again, safe and sound.

