The Dictator, a political satire | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

The Dictator, a political satire

25 December, 2022

Sacha Baron Cohen, English actor and screenwriter is Dr Krish k’s all-time favourite. Cohen came back to the prodigious and fascinating world of the unswerving fiction-feature with the ‘The Dictator’, his comprehensive comedy satire, that got released in May, 2012 in the United States.

Meanwhile, Dr Krish notes that ‘The Dictator’ is not categorically a cineaste adulation to Chaplin’s ‘The Great Dictator’. Dr Krish is of the view that ‘The Dictator’ is apparently less skittish and uptight than that of Cohen’s two previous movies, highlighting enormous, habitual and consistently laboured jests as well as a titanic central turn from the man himself.

Dr Krish remarked that Cohen’s ‘The Dictator’ is set to make ‘Inspector Clouseau’, a model of innuendo and acuteness. ‘The Dictator’ is precisely in the fish-out-of-water tradition of coming to the United States as well as that of many other scenes. However, in that context, it does not candidly offer much of a coil and arc on the genre.

But on the other hand, it delivers snigger, escapade and weapons-grade indelicacy and crudity. Cohen plays the cast of General Aladeen, the dictatorial and autocratic ruler of the oil-rich and daddy warbucks North African charlatan state Wadiya, who is profoundly provoked by the obsession of the Western powers with the Arab Spring.

‘Best comic filmmaker’

With the screening of ‘The Dictator’, Cohen instituted an affirmation as if he is supposed to be the best comic filmmaker, working in town. Compared with the mirthful and cheerful misdemeanour of ‘Borat’ and ‘Bruno’, ‘The Dictator’ is said to be Cohen’s most typical and conventional movie.

While ‘The Dictator’ is being included with an enduring plot and romance, it makes sure that it has the ability of getting stalked to the story. Not that it is dominant, conformist and orthodox, albeit being reviewed by the chuckling and giggling of a preview audience, who may know as to where the stream lies anymore?

He also sensibly and shrewdly gets in while simultaneously gets his laughter and afterwards he relinquishes and departs. ‘The Dictator’, as same as ‘Bruno’ falls short of 90 minutes, in an aeon and epoch where too many satires in-perpetuity run on.

Cohen while playing the cast of General Admiral Aladeen of Wadiya apparently overlaps on parts of Sudan and Egypt which lies within an earshot distance from Saudi Arabia, where he settles in a large castle in which he addresses the applauding and adoring assemblage of his adorers while getting involved with a sexual encounter not only with Megan Fox but also being judged by his wall of post-costal Polaroids, Kim Kardashian and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

‘The Dictator’ has given Megan Fox a great cameo, being conspicuous for a romantic and sexual encounter but at that very exact juncture itself drawing the line at a clasp and cuddle ripping through right across the night.


Tahir, played by Ben Kingsley, the lawful heir to the throne, is the premier of Aladeen who plots to overthrow him. Following a futile assassination attempt, Aladeen is encouraged by Tahir to make an address at the United Nations where he assures himself that another attempt on an assassination would succeed.

Following being de-bearded by a security guard played by John C. Reilly, the movie comes out with a scene where Aladeen is shown just strolling and sauntering in the streets of Manhattan while being impersonated among the people around by a body double.

Aladeen meanwhile gets into a fundamentally leftist health food store run by Zoey played by Anna Faris, and also inspite by the fact that their respective ideologies and the beliefs are engulfed with radical differences, the General Admiral falls in love with her which generally institutes satire around feminists, immigrants and vegetarians.


Aladeen’s entry into Manhattan’s ‘Little Wadiya’ neighbourhood, where a Wadiyan restaurant is apparently crowded with people whom he assumed to have executed, is a fascinating scene.

The film quite lackadaisically follows through the progress of romance as well as the assassination attempt, Larry Charles, the director as well as Cohen, the protagonist seem to be committed to the plot as the Marx Brothers, an American family comedy act taken up with the Broadway as well.

The fragrance and the taste of the physical humour of Buster Keaton, an American comedian is also noticed in a scene where the General Admiral takes an attempt to glide on a cable high above the street into a hotel’s Upper floor. Cohen promotes the attitudes of anarchists.

Dr. Krish prefers ‘The Dictator’ being highlighted as a movie which is enriched with the fundamental traits of a satire that speculates on a matter of political significance, I may have a slightly contradictory point of view on the matter in hand where I would rather prefer calling it a film which is slightly unripe.

Dr Krish also may have a disagreement with my classification where I would declare that the movie frequently reminded me of the blithely amiss Kentucky Fried Movies in the late 70s which seem moderately less rich in context in terms of its nutritional value.

But, as a whole, I have no any other disagreement with critic Dr Krish regarding his highlight on the fact that ‘The Dictator’ is arguably a movie, enriched with the essential elements that should be deliberately included in a satire.
