Expand your vocabulary | Sunday Observer

Expand your vocabulary

25 December, 2022

Circle A, B, C or D that most accurately fits the meaning and check your answers with the key.

1. Bovine
A. outlandish
B. casual
C. savage
D. cowlike
2. Orchestrate
A. direct
B. sing
C. decorate
D. resonate
3. Validation
A. honour
B. verification
C. honesty
D. renewal
4. Humongous
A. small
B. weird
C. huge
D. humorous
5. Honorarium
A. award
B. ceremony
C. special honour
D. payment
6. Cavalier
A. arrogant
B. obedient
C. honest
D. gracious
7. Titillate
A. shiver
B. excite
C. dance
D. to advise
8. Pillory
A. ridicule
B. cushion
C. sacrifice
D. to plunder
9. Mentor
A. liar
B. smuggler
C. landlord
D. wise counsellor
10. Bootleg
A. cunning
B. honest
C. nice
D. illegal
11. Usurp
A. seize
B. bully
C. set on fire
D. swim
12. Skulduggery
A. brain damage
B. harsh judgment
C. deception
D. perception
13. Homicidal
A. talkative
B. murderous
C. poisonous
D. extremely cruel
14. Miscreant
A. villain
B. mischief maker
C. enemy
D. loiterer
15. Mug
A. drink
B. attack
C. smear
D. stroke
16. Forgery
A. forgetfulness
B. wound
C. fake
D. disgrace
17. Perjure
A. confess
B. to hide
C. deny
D. lie
18. Asphyxiate
A. to smother
B. fall behind
C. break in
D. to fail
19. Misdemeanour
A. illicit deal
B. evil look
C. minor offence
D. doubt
20 Incarcerate
A. to capture
B. sum up
C. harm
D. put in jail

1. D
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. D
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. B
16. C
17. D
18. A
19. C
20. D


10 – 14 Correct:
15 – 17 Correct:
18 – 20 Correct: Exceptional


