The children who gathered to hear another Christmas story were waiting eagerly for the arrival of Peduru Seeya.
“There … there … he’s coming,” said a child jumping up for joy. Others turned their heads to see their beloved story teller.
“How are you, children? I’m sorry I got a bit late.”
“That’s ok. Tell us more about the paradise,” another child pleaded.
“This was how it happened. Adam and Eve came to meet God with downcast eyes. God wanted to know why they were hiding.
“I was scared to see you as I was naked,” said Adam.
“Oh, I see. Why did you eat the forbidden fruit that gives you knowledge of what is good and what is evil?”
“Eve asked me to do so,” Adam stammered.
“It’s not my fault,” Eve cut him short. “The snake tricked me to eat it,” she said.
God told them that they had disobeyed him and spoiled the world. “Now there will be thorns among the crops and flowers. And you will have to work hard to earn a living.”
Before leaving, God admonished them. “You cannot live in this garden because you have chosen to do what you want. Now go out into the world and make your living. After sometime you will die.”
God disappeared before they could say anything. Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden. God’s messengers closed the gates of Paradise not allowing anyone to enter it.