Expand your vocabulary | Sunday Observer

Expand your vocabulary

18 December, 2022

Circle A, B, C or D that most accurately fits the meaning and check your answers with the key.

1. Candid
A. proud
B. silly
C. dishonest
D. frank
2. Curt
A. abrupt
B. naughty
C. lame
D. hesitant
3. Feisty
A. impressive
B. spirited
C. arrogant
D. elegant
4. Besiege
A. to resist
B. prepare to defend
C. crowd in upon
D. to abandon
5. Quintessential
A. neglected
B. exciting
C. ideal
D. sensitive
6. Discomfit
A. to refuse
B. to limit
C. evade
D. upset
7. Hone
A. to sharpen
B. lament
C. to be sorry
D. cry
8. Proprietary
A. self-centred
B. owned
C. respectable
D. arrogant
9. Osmosis
A. absorption
B. liability
C. fullness
D. fertility
10. Recoil
A. call to mind
B. forget
C. to shrink back
D. strike about wildly
11. Belie
A. lie in wait
B. attempt to justify
C. to give a false impression
D. to stretch out
12. Disarming
A. careful
B. removing suspicions
C. forceful
D. peaceful
13. Misconstrue
A. misinterpret
B. insult
C. praise
D. complicate
14. Telegenic
A. scientifically oriented
B. inherent
C. false
D. attractive on television
15. Tony
A. ugly
B. fashionable
C. gaudy
D. sentimental
16. Nascent
A. having a nasal accent
B. concerning death
C. beginning to exist
D. prolific
17. Surrogate
Pertaining to
A. architecture
B. a substitute
C. railway carriages
D. law
18. Traipse
A. to wander about
B. to arrest
C. to search for
D. to dance
19. Diffuse
A. to refuse
B. to confuse
C. scatter
D. to reduce tension
20. Bushido
A. code of honour
B. jungle camouflage
C. torture
D. hiding place

1. D
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. C
11. C
12. B
13. A
14. D
15. B
16. C
17. B
18. A
19. C
20. A

10 – 14 Correct:
15 – 17 Correct:
18 – 20 Correct: Exceptional

