Methodites dazzle in ‘Kaleidoscope’ | Sunday Observer

Methodites dazzle in ‘Kaleidoscope’

4 December, 2022

The Primary School students of Methodist College, Colombo 3, displayed their talents through an amazing set of performances at their concert ‘Kaleidoscope’ at the Methodist College Auditorium.

The show opened with a beautiful fusion of Kandyan dance and Bharatanatyam styles, which was very promising of how the evening would unfold. What followed was a series of impressive performances spanning a wide array of music and dance styles as well as cultures of the world.

A fun mix of Disney classics, a medley of Sinhalese and Tamil songs praising the wonders of nature and a selection of songs representing various genres of music, showcased the range of musical items that evening, with the singing being truly commendable.

With Japanese, Hawaiian, Kapirinna and African dances, the dance of some enthusiastic little tea pluckers, a graceful swan dance and a vibrant group of Indian traditional folk dances added in, ‘Kaleidoscope’ turned out to be a concert that lived up to its name. The acting prowess of the girls was displayed during the final item of the concert, which was the play ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’.

The curtain call at the very end was a colourful celebration of all the little ones who took part and was met by loud applause from the audience that undoubtedly had a truly enjoyable evening at ‘Kaleidoscope’.


