Phrasal verbs are an important feature of the English language. The meaning of a phrasal verb often bears no relation to the meaning of either the verb or the particle which is used with it. Many phrasal verbs have several different meanings.
Stave off (to stop something bad from happening)
The company tried to raise money to stave off bankruptcy.
Stay ahead (to continue to be more advanced than other people)
Those who try new methods usually stay ahead of their competitors.
Stay away (to not go to a place)
Some shareholders have decided to stay away from the Annual General Meeting.
Stay away from (to avoid something that has a bad effect on you)
Addicts find it difficult to stay away from drugs.
Stay behind (to not leave a place when other people leave it)
Some students stayed behind to discuss something with the teacher.
Stay in (to remain at home)
The children were happy when father decided to stay in during weekends.
Stay off (to not go to work or school, usually because you are ill)
If you are not feeling well, stay off.
Stay on (to stay in a place longer than you planned)
We stayed on although the party was over.
Stay out (to not come home at night)
Mother warned her daughter not to stay out too late.
Stay out of (to not become involved in a discussion or an argument)
I’ve decided to stay out of the staff meeting.
Stay over (to spend the night somewhere instead of returning to your home)
If you have an extra room, I’ll stay over.
Stay up (to go to bed later than usual)
She stayed up late to watch a film on television.
Steal away (to leave a place without anyone knowing)
She waited quietly until nobody was looking and stole away.
Steal over (if a feeling steals over someone they gradually feel it)
If you are tired, a dreamy contentment will steal over you.
Steal up (to move quietly and secretly towards someone or something)
The children stole up on the teacher when he was not looing.
Steam up (if a glass surface steams up, it becomes covered with small drops of water)
The bathroom mirror steams up when the water is boiling.
Steep in (to have a lot of a particular quality)
Indian cooking is steeped in tradition.
Stem from (if a particular problem stems from something, it is caused by it)
Most of our problems stem from financial difficulties.
Step aside (to leave your job or position)
When Sam grew old, he decided to step aside.
Step back (to try to think about a situation in a new way often by not being involved in it)
Menaka decided to step back from the difficult situation.
Step down (to leave your job)
The chairman will step down at the end of this month.
Step forward (to offer to help)
A survivor of the accident stepped forward to help the victims.
Step in (to get involved in an argument or a difficult situation)
Father will step in to settle the problem.
Step out (to leave a place for a short period of time)
He has stepped out for a few minutes but will be back soon.
Step up (to do more of an activity or to increase the speed of a process)
Security in the city has been stepped up.
Stick around (to stay somewhere for a period of time)
I will stick around here until he turns up.