Time management | Sunday Observer

Time management

18 September, 2022

“Time is more valuable than money”. This is a very famous and important saying. Time is one of the most precious things in our life. We must manage our limited time carefully and work according to a time table.

Some foolish people waste time. They do not understand the value of time. We can earn money, but we cannot earn time. Therefore, we must save our time and manage it usefully.

Time teaches good lessons to us. Plan the work and work the plan is a good way to manage our time. Many people complain that they do not have enough time. But, the truth is that they do not understand how to use time carefully.

Remember that, time stops for no one. If we waste time we will suffer in the future. Thus, we must manage our time usefully.


Ishara Senuri Puwakgolla

Grade 11-C

Vijaya College


