Phrasal verbs are an important feature of the English language. The meaning of a phrasal verb often bears no relation to the meaning of either the verb or the particle which is used with it. Many phrasal verbs have several different meanings.
Stick at (to continue to work hard at something even though it is difficult or tiring)
Some people never stick at one job for more than a year.
Stick by (to continue to support someone when they are having problems)
A husband has to stick by his wife through thick and thin.
Stick down (to quickly write something on a piece of paper)
Can you stick my name down on the list?
Stick on (to like an idea so much that you do not want to change it)
I did not want a grand wedding but she stuck on the idea of having one.
Stick out (to continue doing something until you have completed it, even though it is unpleasant)
I didn’t like the job, but I had to stick it out for want of money.
Stick out for (to continue to demand a particular amount of money and refuse to accept less)
Trade unions are going to stick out for a 20 percent salary increase.
Stick to (to limit yourself to doing or using one particular thing and not change to anything else)
Are you going to stick to your original plan?
Stick together (if two or more people stick together, they support each other, especially when they are in a difficult situation)
Genuine friends usually stick together.
Stick up (if part of something sticks up, it comes up above the surface of something)
There’s a branch of a tree sticking up out of the water.
Stick up for (to defend a person when they are being criticised)
Some people know how to stick up for themselves.
Stir in (to mix one substance into another by moving the substance round, usually with a spoon)
Stir the egg yolks into the mixture.
Stir up (to cause arguments or bad feelings between people usually on purpose)
Some people enjoy stirring up trouble in the workplace.
Stitch up (to stitch together the two parts of something that have come apart)
The doctor stitched up her finger in a few minutes.
Stock up (to buy a lot of something, often food or drink)
Most people stock up on food for long holidays.
Stoke up (to make a fire burn better by adding more fuel or by moving it around with a stick)
She started stoking up the fire.
Stoop to (to do something even though you know it is wrong because you think it will give you an advantage)
Honest people do not stoop to corruption.
Stop behind (to stay in a place for a short time after other people have left)
Some students stopped behind after the class to compare notes.
Stop by (to visit a person or place for a short time, usually when you are going somewhere else)
On my way home I had to stop by the post office.
Stop off (to visit a place for a short time when you are going somewhere else)
I’ll stop off at the bank to withdraw some money.
Stop over (to stop somewhere for a period of time when you are on a long journey
We stopped over in Delhi for two days before proceeding to Agra.
Stop up (to go to bed later than usual)
She stopped up to watch a film on television.