A synonym is a word that means something similar to another word. An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. Underline the SYNONYMS and check your answers with the key. You may use a standard dictionary.
1. Second-hand (adj.): used / new
2. Second-rate (adj.): first-rate / inferior
3. Secrecy (n.): mystery / openness
4. Secret (adj.): open / clandestine
5. Secrete (v.): conceal / reveal
6. Secretive (adj.): open / enigmatic
7. Sectarian (adj.): cliquish / non-sectarian
8. Section (n.): fraction / whole
9. Sectional (adj.): general / exclusive
10. Sector (n.): division / whole
11. Secular (adj.): religious / non-religious
12. Secure (adj.): certain / insecure
13. Security (n.): insecurity / certainty
14. Sedate (adj.): calm / hasty
15. Sedative (adj.): rousing / calming
16. Sedentary (adj.): inactive / active
17. Sedition (n.): loyalty / agitation
18. Seditious (adj.): disloyal / loyal
19. Seductive (adj.): unattractive / attractive
20. Seed (n.): children / ancestors
21. Seedy (adj.): posh / faded
22. Seeming (adj.): apparent / real
23. Seemingly (adv.): really / apparently
24. See-through (adj.): flimsy / opaque
25. Segregate (v.): unite / isolate
26. Segregation (n.): isolation / unification
27. Seize (v.): release / abduct
28. Seizure (n.): abduction / release
29. Seldom (adv.) often / rarely
30. Select (adj.): exclusive / general
1. used
2. inferior
3. mystery
4. clandestine
5. conceal
6. enigmatic
7. cliquish
8. fraction
9. exclusive
10. division
11. non-religious
12. certain
13. certainty
14. calm
15. calming
16. inactive
17. agitation
18. disloyal
19. attractive
20. children
21. faded
22. apparent
23. apparently
24. flimsy
25. isolate
26. isolation
27. abduct
28. abduction
29. rarely
30. exclusive
10 – 15 Correct: Good
16 – 25 Correct: Excellent
26 – 30 Correct: Exceptional