A synonym is a word that means something similar to another word. An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. Underline the SYNONYMS and check your answers with the key. You may use a standard dictionary.
1. Satirise (v.) deride / honour
2. Satisfaction (n.): dissatisfaction / gratification
3. Satisfactory (adj.): acceptable / unsatisfactory
4. Satisfy (v.): dissatisfy / gratify
5. Saucy (adj.): impudent / polite
6. Savage (adj.): civilized / barbarous
7. Save (v.): conserve / waste
8. Saviour (n.): destroyer / guardian
9. Savoury (adj.): delicious / insipid
10. Scandalous (adj.): kind / atrocious
11. Scant (adj.): bare / ample
12. Scarce (adj.): plentiful / deficient
13. Scarcity (n.): dearth / abundance
14. Scare (v.): calm / alarm
15. Scared (adj.): anxious / confident
16. Scathing (adj.): complimentary / brutal
17. Scatter (v.): diffuse / collect
18. Scatter-brained (adj.): careful / careless
19. Scattering (n.): dispersal / mass
20. Scenic (adj.): dull / beautiful
21. Scent (n.): aroma / stink
22. Scented (adj.): stinking / aromatic
23. Sceptic (n.): agnostic / believer
24. Sceptical (adj.): trusting / cynical
25. Scepticism (n.): cynicism / faith
26. Scholarly (adj.): uneducated / academic
27. Scintillating (adj.): blazing / dull
28. Scoff (v.): flatter / deride
29. Scold (v.): blame / praise
30. Scolding (n.): praise / castigation
1. deride
2. gratification
3. acceptable
4. gratify
5. impudent
6. barbarous
7. conserve
8. guardian
9. delicious
10. atrocious
11. bare
12. deficient
13. dearth
14. alarm
15. anxious
16. brutal
17. diffuse
18. careless
19. dispersal
20. beautiful
21. aroma
22. aromatic
23. agnostic
24. cynical
25. cynicism
26. academic
27. blazing
28. deride
29. blame
30. castigation
10 – 17 Correct: Good
18 – 25 Correct: Excellent
26 – 30 Correct: Exceptional