Galileo Galilei | Sunday Observer
Scientists and inventors - 3

Galileo Galilei

21 August, 2022

Galileo Galilei was an astronomer who perfected the refracting telescope and showed us the new worlds of the heavens. His support of the Copernican theory that the earth moved round the sun brought him under the ban of the Church and darkened his life and achievements.

Galileo was born at Pisa in Italy in February 1564. His father was a philosopher. As a schoolboy, Galileo used to make little instruments and pieces of machinery.

His father quickly noticed the signs of hidden genius in his son and enrolled him as a student of art at the University of Pisa.

Professor of Mathematics

At first, he studied medicine but later turned his attention to geometry and the writings of Archimedes. Even as an 18-year- old teenager he found certain errors and absurdities in Aristotle’s philosophy. He studied mathematics with an abiding interest and in 1588 he became a Professor of Mathematics at the university.

According to Aristotelian doctrine of mechanics, the heavier of two falling bodies would reach the ground before the other. Galileo challenged that view. Hemaintained that all bodies would fall through the same height in the same time ifthey were not unequally retarded by the resistance of the atmosphere.

Leaning Tower of Pisa

One day he ascended the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and let fall two objects of unequal weight. The two objects hit the ground at the same time. However, the Aristotelians remained unshaken in their allegiance. They forced Galileo to resign from his post.

In 1592, Galileo was appointed to a professorship at Padua. He soon becamefamous throughout Europe. In 1604, he paid attention to a new star. He proved thatit was not a meteor but it was situated beyond the bounds of the solar system. Oneday he decided to deliver a lecture in the open air. The crowd of people whogathered to listen to him did not find him to be a handsome man. He was a burly man who had a well-proportioned frame. His hair was almost red and his eyes were penetrating. He also had a broad flat nose.

A telescope

After a series of experiments, Galileo made a telescope through which to read the great book of the heavens. He carried it to Venice and presented it to the Senate.

He was offered the professorship at Padua for life. A large number of people flocked to his house to see the marvellous instrument. With an improved telescope he made new discoveries to the astonishment of the world.

However, something unexpected happened at that time.

A conflict

Galileo’s discovery raised a storm of protest. Although, the kings and cardinals were impressed with his telescope and the discoveries, the Church disapproved of histheories. The conflict between the Church and Galileo arose out of his defence and teaching of the heliocentric theory which set out that the sun is fixed and the earth is in motion. The Church declared that his theory was contrary to the Holy Scriptures.

The theologians decided that the theory that the sun was immovable and the earth had adiurnal motion about it was heretical. Galileo was warned not to hold, teach ordefend his theory.

Galileo’s great work

In 1632, he published his great work, The dialogue of the two principal systems of the world. The result was inevitable. He was summoned before the Inquisition of Rome. He was found guilty and sentenced to prison. However, he was given the option to depart to Siena and to retire in seclusion.

Galileo started to live the tragic life. In 1637, he made his last astronomical discovery and went blind. Yet, he did not stop grappling with the mysteries of the universe. He contracted a slow fever and died on January 8, 1642 in his 78th year.

