Phrasal verbs are an important feature of the English language. The meaning of a phrasal verb often bears no relation to the meaning of either the verb or the particle which is used with it. Many phrasal verbs have several different meanings.
Slap on (to quickly spread something on a surface)
Susan slapped a piece of cheese on the slice of bread.
Slave away (to work very hard with no rest)
Most housemaids slave away in foreign countries.
Sleep in (to sleep longer in the morning than you normally do)
Children like to sleep in on weekends.
Sleep off (to sleep until you feel better, especially after too much alcohol) John is sleeping off his hangover.
Sleep on(if someone sleeps on a decision, they wait until the next day to decide)
We shouldn’t make hasty decisions, instead let’s sleep on them.
Sleep out (to sleep outside)
When you do camping you have to sleep out under the stars.
Sleep over (to sleep in someone else’s home)
If you are too tired to drive home tonight, you can sleep over at my place.
Sleep through (if you sleep through noise, it will not awake you)
Some people are capable of sleeping through noise or activity.
Slice off (to remove something by cutting it off)
Before cooking you have to slice off the vegetables.
Slim down (to become thinner)
Fat people like to slim down by doing exercises.
Slip away (if your power to achieve something slips away, it disappears)
You should not let victory slip away.
Slip by (if a period of time slips by, it seems to pass quickly)
A few months slipped by, but still there is no news of our daughter.
Slip in (to add a remark to your conversation)
The speaker slipped in a few jokes to make his speech interesting.
Slip into (to quickly put on clothes)
After returning home from work I usually slip into something more comfortable.
Slip off (to leave a place quietly without telling anybody)
The visitor simply slipped off without telling anybody.
Slip on (to put on shoes or clothes quickly)
Roger slipped on his shoes and joined the runners.
Slip out (if a piece of information slips out, you tell it to others without intending to)
I really didn’t want to tell him that my son had failed the exam, it just slipped out.
Slouch around (to behave in a lazy way, doing very little)
Unemployed youth slouch around the railway station.
Slough off (if a snake sloughs off its outer skin, it happens as a natural process)
The snake sloughed off its old skin.
Slow down (to become less physically active than you were before)
In retirement most people slow down.
Slow up (to become slower or to make something slower)
All vehicles slow up at the traffic lights.
Smack of (if something smacks of an unpleasant quality, it seems to have that quality)
To the people, the statement of the minister smacked of hypocrisy.
Smarten up (to make a person or place look tidier than before)
You will have to smarten up the house before the wedding.
Smash down (to hit a door until it falls down)
Robbers threatened to smash down the front door.
Smash in (to break something by hitting it hard)
The windows of his car were smashed in.
Smash up (to badly damage something by hitting it)
An unruly group of youngsters smashed up the building.
Smell of (if something or someone smells of a particular thing, they have that smell)
Some people smell of garlic!