Quiz on synonyms and antonyms | Sunday Observer

Quiz on synonyms and antonyms

7 August, 2022

A synonym is a word that means something similar to another word. An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. Underline the ANTONYMS and check your answers with the key. You may use a standard dictionary.


1. Rival (n.): associate / adversary
2. Rivalry (n.): antagonism / cooperation
3. Roam (v.): stay / drift
4. Roar (v.): howl / whisper
5. Rob (v.): provide / cheat
6. Robust (adj.): hardy / feeble
7. Rocky (adj.): smooth / craggy
8. Roguish (adj.): dishonest / honest
9. Romantic (adj.): real / exciting
10. Roomy (adj.): ample / cramped
11. Ropy (adj.): good / inferior
12. Rotary (adj.): revolving / fixed
13. Rotten (adj.): fresh / decayed
14. Rough (adj.): bumpy / smooth
15. Rough-and-ready (adj.): refined / crude
16. Roughen (v.): smooth / graze
17. Round off (ph.v.): begin / complete
18. Round up (ph.v.): assemble / disperse
19. Rouse (v.): calm / agitate
20. Rout (n.): brawl / win
21. Row (n.): calm / brawl
22. Rowdy (adj.): noisy / quiet
23. Rubbish (n.): sense / balderdash
24. Ruddy (adj.): booming / pale
25. Rude (adj.): polite / abusive
26. Rudimentary (adj.): basic / advanced
27. Rugged (adj.): smooth / bumpy
28. Ruin (n.): crash / development
29. Ruler (n.): subject / emperor
30. Run-down (adj.): dilapidated / strong

1. associate
2. cooperation
3. stay
4. whisper
5. provide
6. feeble
7. smooth
8. honest
9. real
10. cramped
11. good
12. fixed
13. fresh
14. smooth
15. refined
16. smooth
17. begin
18. disperse
19. calm
20. win
21. calm
22. quiet
23. sense
24. pale
25. polite
26. advanced
27. smooth
28. development
29. subject
30. strong

10 – 15 Correct: Good
16 – 20 Correct: Excellent
21 – 30 Correct: Exceptional

