The tinderbox | Sunday Observer

The tinderbox

23 July, 2022

Continued from last week


The soldier took his treasure and went to a town nearby and started to live a life of luxury. He wore fine clothes, made many friends and went to parties and dances most of the time.

A prophesy

One day, a friend told him about the king’s daughter. The king was holding her a prisoner in the palace because a wizard had prophesised that she would marry an ordinary soldier.

On a sunny day, the soldier was walking past the castle when he saw the beautiful princess seated by a high window. She was so lovely that the soldier fell in love with her instantly.

Living a life of luxury, the soldier frittered away his fortune and soon he was a pauper. He had to move in to a dirty, dark attic and all his friends left him.

One night, the soldier was wondering how to light a fire as he did not have even one match.


Then, the soldier suddenly remembered the old tinder box. He took it and struck it once and to his amazement the dog with the eyes like two teacups appeared in front of him.

“What is your wish”? asked the dog from the soldier. “Bring me some money, “said the soldier.

The dog soon brought the soldier a bag full of copper coins.

The tinderbox was magical and when the soldier struck it once the dog with the eyes like teacups appeared and brought him copper coins. If he struck the tinderbox twice the dog with eyes like mill wheels brought him bags full of silver coins.

If the soldier struck the tinderbox thrice, the dog with eyes like round towers brought him gold coins.

Thus, the soldier was able to live in luxury again.

The princess

One day, he suddenly remembered the beautiful princess and summoned the dog with the teacup eyes and asked it to bring the princess to him.

The dog carried the princess on his back and brought her to the soldier who kissed her gently. Then, the dog took her back.

The next morning during the royal breakfast, the princess told her mother, the queen, about her dream. (The princess thought that it was all a dream).

The queen got alarmed and she wondered whether it was only a dream.

A plan

The queen thought of a plan to find out whether what the princess said was a dream or not. She sewed a small, silk bag and filled it with flour. Then, she cut a tiny hole in the bag for the flour to fall out.

A trail of flour

When the dog carried the princess to the soldier’s home the flour kept falling out and left a white trail from the castle to the soldier’s home.

The next day, the queen called some soldiers and asked them to follow the trail and arrest the soldier. They did so and the soldier was condemned to death. The execution was to take place the next day and the soldier was thrown into jail till then.


To be continued


