A synonym is a word that means something similar to another word. An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. Underline the SYNONYMS and check your answers with the key. You may use a standard dictionary.
1. Restrain (v.): constrain / liberate
2. Restrained (adj.): unrestrained / controlled
3. Restraint (n.): captivity / freedom
4. Restrict (v.): free / bound
5. Restriction (n.): check / freedom
6. Result (n.): cause / fruit
7. Resume (v.): proceed / cease
8. Resumption (n.): cessation / continuation
9. Resurrect (v.): reactivate / bury
10. Resurrection (n.): burying / reappearance
11. Retain (v.): keep / spend
12. Retaliate (v.): submit / reciprocate
13. Reticent (adj.): frank / quiet
14. Retire (v.): depart / enter
15. Retirement (n.): appointment / retreat
16. Retiring (adj.): humble / bold
17. Retreat (v.): advance / quit
18. Retrieve (v.): recall / lose
19. Retrograde (adj.): progressive / backward
20. Retrospect (n.): recollection / prospect
21. Return (v.): leave / reappear
22. Reveal (v.): disclose / conceal
23. Revelry (n.): sobriety / celebration
24. Revenue (n.): income / expenditure
25. Revere (v.): scorn / exalt
26. Reverence (n.): admiration / contempt
27. Reverent (adj.): irreverent / devout
28. Reversal (n.): defeat / progress
29. Reverse (v.): advance / annul
30. Revert (v.): recur / progress
1. constrain
2. controlled
3. captivity
4. bound
5. check
6. fruit
7. proceed
8. continuation
9. reactivate
10. reappearance
11. keep
12. reciprocate
13. quiet
14. depart
15. retreat
16. humble
17. quit
18. recall
19. backward
20. recollection
21. reappear
22. disclose
23. celebration
24. income
25. exalt
26. admiration
27. devout
28. defeat
29. annul
30. recur
10 – 15 Correct: Good
16 – 20 Correct: Excellent
21 – 30 Correct: Exceptional