The blue jay | Sunday Observer

The blue jay

23 July, 2022

 The blue jay is one of the prettiest birds in the world and my favourite bird too. They are noisy, pretty and popular birds in Eastern North America and Central United States of America. The blue jay has a white chest and underparts, and also has a black colour U- shaped collar around its neck. If you spot one these features it will help you to recognise a pretty blue jay.

Blue jays mostly feed on nuts and seeds such as acorns, which it will hide to eat later. Soft fruits and insects are also eaten and hidden by them for later use.

Sometimes, the blue jay is very aggressive to other birds but still basically is an innocent bird.

Some birds such as the Baltimore oriole and the summer tanager are the national birds of various states in America and I think the blue jay should be one of these national birds in America because the bird is pretty and has a strong bond with its family.

Don’t you agree with me?

If you see a blue jay in your dreams that means good things are going to come in the future.

Ganuli Samarakoon,

Grade 8,

Guidance International School



