I lay there on the pavement, my body scarcely moving. My breath was raspy and I knew I was about to die. There was no doubt. Nobody so much as spared a glance at me and the lonely feeling of being unwanted and uncared for swelled in my chest once more, after all these years.
I saw people rushing into that white building with the Red Cross on top and I saw them offering that old lady gifts and kisses. She feigned happiness to the family that had ignored her for so many years and never so much had bothered to visit her, come to her deathbed, and lavish her with kind words and present.
It was painfully clear that all those young people wanted was her money, her land and her house.
A lonely, stray tear
But, I saw a lonely, stray tear run down her wrinkly cheek, which ran down unknown to her grandchildren. I knew she wanted me, I was the only living thing that truly loved her. But when she was diagnosed with cancer there was no one to take care of me and her heartless grandchildren threw me onto the street. I ate from garbage bins and slept on the cold cobblestones.
I grew thin and my beautiful features vanished into thin air. I heard her utter a small prayer for me and I wanted nothing more than to run to her and jump into her arms. Alas! That was a dream too far to reach.
Whenever I tried to enter, they kicked me out with their feet, away from her. Hot tears trickled down my cheek at the mere thought of her dying without me at her side.
Agonising pain
I couldn’t bear the agonising pain that ran through my body. I do not care for money, none of my kind do. If only the whole world had a heart like us. We only want love. Love is what this world needs too. I thrive on love
My mom who is now dying gave me so much love that I had everything I could possibly want. She nourished me and cared for me ever since she found me at that awful shelter, on that fateful day.
It was so simple. I loved her and she loved me. She always muttered a prayer for me and it was always the same thing. But, it meant a lot to the two of us.
We always forgot to pay some kind of bill and had to be reminded. We were having too much fun! Oh and the tales she could tell. She told me all about her youth and all the daring things she had done. We were at peace, the rest of the ugly, cruel world forgotten.
Final glance
I ran onto the road to have a final glance at my dear old mother. I saw them removing the ventilator. I saw her body shudder. Then, all was still. And at that very same instance, I felt a mighty pain shoot up my back. I turned around and saw a vehicle. I had been hit! I knew this was the end of the road for me.
I had seen so many of my friends being hit with stones and vehicles by unsympathetic, inconsiderate people. But, I was happy.
So very happy. Now, I could meet my mom in heaven where we shall never be parted again.
I closed my eyes and took my last breath. “Hello, my precious, so nice to see you,” I heard the voice I loved so much right in my ear. I woke and I was met with the kind face of my mother. “We’ll be together forever, you and I,” she told me lovingly, stroking my head.
“Woof! Woof!” I cried my heart content at last. After all, everybody knows the greatest companion a man could have, is a dog!
Sayumi Wijesooriya
Grade 6-C
Amuthu Iskole