The tinderbox | Sunday Observer

The tinderbox

16 July, 2022

A soldier marched along a road. Left, right, left, right went his footsteps. The soldier was returning home from the war.

An old witch

On the way, the soldier met an old witch. She asked him,” Would you like to get rich”? “I would like that very much” said, the soldier.

“Then do as I tell you”, said the witch.

“I will”, replied the soldier.

A hollow tree

“See that hollow tree yonder,” said the witch. “Climb through that hollow and go down deep inside the tree. You will find three rooms each with a chest full of coins. Each room will be guarded by a dog”.

“The first room has a chest full of copper coins and is guarded by a dog with eyes as big as tea cups. The chest in the second room holds silver coins and the room is guarded by a dog whose eyes are as large as mill wheels. The third room has a chest filled with gold coins and a dog with eyes as big as two round towers guards it.

“Do not be afraid of the dogs. Take my apron and when you meet the dogs set them down on the apron. They will not harm you. Take as much as you want of the copper, silver and gold coins,” said the witch.

An old tinderbox

“What do you want in return”? asked the soldier.

Please bring me the old tinderbox which has been left in the tree by my grandmother, “said the witch.

The soldier tied the witch’s apron round his waist. Then, the witch helped him to climb into the tree with the aid of a rope. Once inside the tree the soldier found everything the way the witch had said. He went to the first room and set the dog on the apron and collected as many copper coins as he could.

He collected the silver and gold coins in the same way and called out to the witch to help him climb out of the tree.

“Have you got my tinder box”? asked the witch. The soldier had forgotten it and he went back and collected the tinder box.

The witch made sure that the soldier had the tinder box and helped him out of the tree.

“Well, now you have the coins give me my tinderbox “said, the witch.

“No, you first tell me why you want it” said, the soldier.

An angry witch

The witch got angry and screamed at the soldier saying, “Give me back my tinderbox”.

The soldier withdrew his sword and the witch got frightened that he would kill her. She quickly got on her broomstick and flew away.

To be continued
