A synonym is a word that means something similar to another word. An antonym is the opposite of another word. Underline the ANTONYMS and check your answers with the key. You may use a standard dictionary.
1. Resentful (adj.): satisfied / aggrieved
2. Resentment (n.): animosity / happiness
3. Reserve (n.): friendliness / aloofness
4. Reserved (adj.): kept / unreserved
5. Resident (n.): non-resident / citizen
6. Residential (adj.): suburban / industrial
7. Resign (v.): join / abandon
8. Resignation (n.): acceptance / resistance
9. Resigned (adj.): resisting / submissive
10. Resilient (adj.): adaptable / rigid
11. Resist (v.): accept / avoid
12. Resistance (n.): defiance / acceptance
13. Resistant (adj.): compliant / defiant
14. Resolute (adj.): bold / weak
15. Resolution (n.): uncertainty / boldness
16. Resounding (adj.): conclusive / slight
17. Resource (n.): unimaginativeness / ability
18. Respect (v.): admire / scorn
19. Respectable (adj.): disreputable / honest
20. Respectful (adj.): courteous / disrespectful
21. Response (n.): query / answer
22. Responsibility (n.): accountability / irresponsibility
23. Responsible (adj.): irresponsible / accountable
24. Responsive (adj.): alive / unresponsive
25. Rest (n.): action / calm
26. Restful (adj.): calm / noisy
27. Restive (adj.): calm / agitated
28. Restless (ad.): active / calm
29. Restoration (n.): damage / recovery
30. Restore (v.): damage / rebuild
1. satisfied
2. happiness
3. friendliness
4. unreserved
5. non-resident
6. industrial
7. join
8. resistance
9. resisting
10. rigid
11. accept
12. acceptance
13. compliant
14. weak
15. uncertainty
16. slight
17. unimaginativeness
18. scorn
19. disreputable
20. disrespectful
21. query
22. irresponsibility
23. irresponsible
24. unresponsive
25. action
26. noisy
27. calm
28. calm
29. damage
30. damage
10 – 15 Correct: Good
16 – 20 Correct: Excellent
21 – 30 Correct: Exceptional