Expand your vocabulary | Sunday Observer

Expand your vocabulary

16 July, 2022

Circle A, B, C, or D that most accurately fits the meaning and check your answers with the key.

1. Sporadic

A. certain

B. eminent

C. unreliable

D. occasional

2. Exotic

A. alluringly foreign

B. silly

C. obvious

D. farfetched

3. Ebullient

A. childish

B. foolish

C. enthusiastic

D. honest

4. Salient

A. serious

B. conspicuous

C. lazy

D. proud

5. Spurious

A. genuine

B. valuable

C. rare

D. false

6. Surreptitious

A. attractive

B. done in secret

C. ugly

D. long lasting

7. Sacrosanct

A. inviolable

B. fearful

C. hidden

D. very small

8. Atrophy

A. expectation

B. misfortune

C. wasting away

D. purge

9. Intransigent

A. inflexible

B. flexible

C. sociable

D. arrogant

10. Hyperbole

A. myth

B. palpable lie

C. exaggeration

D. passion

11. Minion

A. supporting actor

B. a room with glass walls

C. fawning follower

D. dishonest person

12. Precarious

A. unhappy

B. uncertain

C. permanent

D. temporary

13. Cartographer

A. map maker

B. heart surgeon

C. small creature

D. architectural design

14. Punctilious

A. punctual

B. greedy

C. meticulous

D. foolish

15. Panegyric

A. type of music

B. powder produced by flowers

C. soft substance

D. elaborate praise

16. Limpid

A. tasty

B. dirty

C. clear

D. lame

17. Minimal

A. very small

B. the smallest amount

C. difficult to understand

D. generous

18. Truculent

A. old fashioned

B. pugnacious

C. stupid

D. most important

19. Quixotic

A. impractical

B. quizzical

C. lazy

D. honest

20. Accrue

A. fasten

B. disagree

C. to make someone laugh

D. accumulate



1. D

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. D

6. B

7. A

8. C

9. A

10. C

11. C

12. B

13. A

14. C

15. D

16. C

17. A

18. B

19. A

20. D



10 – 14 Correct: Good

15 – 17 Correct: Excellent

18 – 20 Correct: Exceptional
