Cleanliness and neatness | Sunday Observer

Cleanliness and neatness

4 July, 2021

Dear Children,

Cleanliness and neatness are two things which go hand in hand. Both are very essential for a healthy and pleasant life.

It is said that “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” Cleanliness is certainly a cornerstone of a healthy life. Keeping clean means regular baths and washing, hair and nail care and dental cleanliness are all parts of personal cleanliness. Bathing and washing have to be meticulous activities.

Please remember things like washing behind your ears and knees. Never forget to brush your teeth especially at night.

Nail care is something that we tend to be careless about. Have you seen people wearing glamourous and expensive footwear through which peep dirty feet, toes and nails?

Keeping clothes clean is as important as keeping yourself clean. Not only the outer garments but the inner clothing too should be clean. Don’t wear clothes over and over again without washing.

There are many other rules of cleanliness which I am sure all of you know.

Do keep to them. It is always a pleasure to see freshly scrubbed people in clean clothes.

Not only yourself and your clothes, it is also important to keep your surroundings clean.

Neatness is something that is as important as cleanliness. For instance, if your room is a mess even you will not like to be there. If your bookshelves or cupboard is higgledy piggledy then not only will they be unpleasant to look at but you will not be easily able to find what you want.

A clean dress or shirt is no good if it is not ironed and worn properly. So be it yourself, your home, school or surroundings always put neatness to the fore.

Therefore, make cleanliness and neatness an intergral part of your lives.

