I feel a sudden gust of wind,
A thunder clap up there.
I feel another strong gust of wind
and rain falls everywhere.
Dark clouds appear in the sky.
And icy hand gripped my heart.
I hear another thunder clap
and I jump with a start.
I was playing in the garden,
when water dripped down my nose.
And it dripped everywhere
down the garden hose.
The rain got heavier and heavier.
I screamed and ran indoors.
My mother gave me a cup of cocoa
And a soft red blanket that touched all the way to my nose.
Nulara Jayawickrama
Grade 4
Methodist College
Colombo 3
Can you hear the raindrop
On the rooftop?
As it bursts into the gutter
And disappears down the dark, dark pipe.
Then it crosses the road,
As if it is a boat
And floods into the river.
As I watch
This cycle of rain
A million questions
Fill my brain.
How is rain born?
And why in pictures
Is rain the shape of corn?
One day all those answers I will find.
One day...
Heili Rambukwella
Methodist College
Grade 7