Mali in turmoil | Sunday Observer

Mali in turmoil

23 August, 2020

West Africa was deposed in a military coup last week, precipitating the country into a jihadist turmoil. There was immediate reaction by several international organisations such as ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States), African Union UNO and European Union which condemned outright the military putsch and demanded the restoration of constitutional order and release of political detenues.

At present, the President, Prime Minister and a few members have been arrested. The ECOWAS has contemplated imposing sanctions against putschists and its collaborators.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres called for the immediate and unconditional release of Malian President and restoration of constitutional rights of all civilians. Political opponents, religious leaders and civil society activists accused Keita’s government for corruption, mismanagement, bad governance and gruelling poverty.

Following the looting and vandalism by lawless elements, signs of the country slowly returning to normalcy under pressure from the National Committee for the Salvation (CNSP) of the people appeared remote. The CNSP has imposed a curfew having ordered the closure of the country’s land and air borders until further notice. It has formulated a set of proposals for peaceful transition to civilian rule.

Militia groups such as jihadists active in northern and central parts of the country have posed a serious threat against an early and peaceful transition to civil administration.

Peace and constitutional order is yet to dawn on the poverty-stricken Mali, a country of over 1,240,000 square kilometre and a population of 14.5 million people, eclipsed by Islamist terrorist, separatist and criminal forces.
