April 21 attacks: Moragoda proposes PCoI | Page 10 | Sunday Observer

April 21 attacks: Moragoda proposes PCoI

18 August, 2019

Former MP Milinda Moragoda has proposed that the President, Prime Minister and Opposition Leader to jointly nominate a Presidential Commission of Inquiry to investigate the 21/04 attacks.

“It is very apparent that our society as a whole is seeking to understand exactly what happened and heal and reach closure with these seemingly incomprehensible events. Our political leaders, despite their parochial differences that will intensify during this pre-election period, must seize the moral high ground and perform their roles as statesmen at this critical juncture,” he said in a statement to the media.

Moragoda noted that although there have been two separate investigations initiated thus far by the President and the Parliament, these have been perceived by the public to be merely petty exercises in political bickering, buck-passing and finger-pointing and thus lack the confidence of the country.

“There is much resentment and frustration in society that this national tragedy has been relegated to the political theatre,” he added.

Based on the fact that successful inquiries into traumatic events require that the process has public confidence, legitimacy and broad representation, it is strongly urged that the President, in consultation with the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition, jointly and by consensus appoint a fully-empowered Presidential Commission of Inquiry with an effective mandate to provide a comprehensive report within a predetermined period.

The Commission could be composed of eight to ten members to ensure full representation, the former Minister has proposed.
