‘Pick-a-book’ project to inculcate reading habits | Sunday Observer

‘Pick-a-book’ project to inculcate reading habits

9 June, 2019
 A Pick-a-book session in progress
A Pick-a-book session in progress

It was the renowned English philosopher and statesman Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626) who immortalised the words ‘reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.’ When it comes to the brain, researchers have found there’s no better super-food than a good book.

Epitom Digital, a groundbreaking digital marketing agency set up by Ragulan Tharmakulasingham, a passionate entrepreneur with the desire and the will to create an unmatched digital marketing service, initiated this ambitious ‘Pick-a-book’ project to inculcate reading habits among Sri Lankan youth in the light of the dawn of a digital world.

‘Pick-a-book’ encourages the reading habit by getting all participants to select a book, read and research on it thoroughly and present a summary, which also helps to improve his or her public speaking, communication and presentation skills. Thereby, ‘Pick-a-book’ not only inculcates a reading habit but also helps to impart a wealth of knowledge. It is held every week and is open to everyone who may join as a presenter or a listener. Epitom Digital has taken great pains to take it to offices and even schools in order to inculcate the habit of book-reading among the next generation.

Although the main subjects are management, positive thinking, motivation and self-development, the topic of the book can be anything the presenter wishes to choose. In addition to improving reading and inevitably knowledge, the initiative aims at improving presentation skills, personal development and networking of participants. Sessions are lively, listeners being able to ask questions and everyone getting involved during the interactive forum held afterwards.

The upcoming program line-up:-

June 13 – Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov

June 20 – Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter

July 4 – Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray

July 18 – The Charisma Myth by Olivia Fox Cabane

August 1 – How to be an Effective Leader by Dale Carnegie

August 15 – Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

August 29 – Millionaire Success Habits by Dean Grazios

The program is usually held from 6 pm – 8 pm at the DEFA Academy, No 22, Mahesan Mawatha, off Nawala Road, Nugegoda. The facilitator of the project – Epitom Digital, provides cutting-edge web development, online marketing and creatives for clients from around the globe such as UK, USA, Canada, Japan, India, South Africa, Cambodia, the Maldives, South Sudan, the Netherlands, Mexico and Solomon Islands. For more information contact Ms Marushiya on 0778752366 or [email protected].
