Natya Kala Mandhir founded in 1976 by Kalasuri Smt. Vasugy Jegatheeswaran has been producing many talented and professional dancers spanning 43 years. Through these years, the dedicated and experienced dancers of Natya Kala Mandhir showed their talents winning the acclaim of the audience nationally and internationally.
As Natya Kala Mandhir is celebrating its 43rd year, Ms. TharanigaIyngaran is staging her debut performance, ‘Aranga Pravesam’, under the guidance of Guru Smt. Vasugy Jegatheeswaran on June 1 at the New Kathiresan Hall, Bambalapitiya. The recital is choreographed and directed by Kalasuri Smt Vasugy Jegatheeswaran. She is accompanied by well-known artistes; Vocal – Shri Bhavani S Kishore Kumar, Miruthangam – Shanmugalingam Nagarajan, Veena – G R S Murthy, Violin – Shri Shanmuganathan Thibaharan, Flute - Shri Priyantha Dasanayaka and Thala Tharangam – Shri Ratnam Ratnadurai. The chief guest for the evening will be Dr. Smt. Sheela Unnikrishanan (Founder & Directress of Sridevi Nrithyalaya - Chennai) and Harshana D. Perera (Principal – Asian International School) will be guest of honour.