Elegantly moving forward | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Elegantly moving forward

5 May, 2019

Kishani Alanki Perera, the co-owner of Radha by Alanki has risen to fame in the past years. Being an actress, a model and a law graduate she is a familiar face and a popular name among the younger generations of the country.

Youth Observer spoke to her about her new role as an entrepreneur, her business partnership with her mother and her blossoming business.

Alanki said that acting was always a hobby and that running a business was always at the back of her mind.

“It is definitely a different experience and I don't think much of it. I've played many different roles in life and this is just another on life’s journey. I do think that as an entrepreneur I have been able to create a positive impact.”

Alanki said that her decision to start her business stemmed from her inability to be restricted to a desk.

“I have never done an 8 to 5 job. I believe in being my own boss. I know it comes with its challenges and I am willing to face them.”

Alanki said Radha by Alanki was inspired by her love for sarees and the fact that it was a challenge to find a good saree in Colombo.

“Radha by Alanki offers one of a kind sarees and ensures that its sarees are of the highest standards and quality. These sarees could be passed on from generation to generation because they can stand the test of time. We try to encourage women not to follow trends but to embrace traditions and elegance for the modern woman. Most of the sarees you usually find are ones that are purchased in bulk on a wholesale basis.So you do not find anything that is unique or special. Our sarees are specially handpicked with much thought and effort and we only provide one is each design when it comes to sarees for special occasions.”

My mum has always been inspired by beautiful and unique sarees. She has a good eye to pick out exquisite sarees. She always had this passion. I never had the time to focus on business since I was always occupied with studies and acting projects. However, exactly three years ago my mum and I decided it was the right time to venture into something new.

When making decisions we discuss absolutely everything. Not just the major ones but even the tiniest of decisions. As partners in a business we make each other aware of new developments and take decisions together.”

We inquired why the business was named Radha by Alanki. She said it was named after the Indian goddess Radha, the symbol of feminity and grace. She said that the most important thing was to maintain individuality. “I believe that authenticity is key, being different and not following the rest! Success cannot be achieved in following the same paths that have been taken before but by finding inspiration from within yourself and by coming up with your own creativity. It is also important to work smart. If you deliver something that is already in the market then you would get mediocre results, but if you provide something new and different then you would actually get positive results.”

Like everything good, it comes with its challenges, Alanki acknowledged. “When starting up some of the main challenges were dealing with people, some in the same industry tried to create a different image of our business, specially via false rumours. We were saddened that most of these rumours were spread by women. However, we were touched and encouraged by the overwhelming appreciation and love we received by our customers. ”

Radha by Alanki has a strong social media presence. Alanki strongly believes that the success of a business depends on actual customers as opposed to how many followers you have on social media.

“We at Radha by Alanki do not display all the sarees we have on social media. We upload a few in order to maintain exclusivity. However the response we receive on social media has been very encouraging and satisfying and we are very thankful to our followers and customers who support us on social media. We do always encourage everyone to visit the store to actually view all our products since we have sarees at different price ranges and designs that are ideal for different occasions including everyday wear.”

Besides running her own business and appearing on television Alanki loves to travel and experience new cultures.

“I want to travel as much as I could and also try out as many different cuisines as possible!,”she said.


Alanki’s five tips for success:

1. Trust in yourself and your vision

2. Be original

3. Be creative and innovative

4. Do something different if you want to succeed.

5. Be willing to take responsibility because entrepreneurship is challenging
