Sri Lankan Tamil poetry in English | Sunday Observer

Sri Lankan Tamil poetry in English

21 October, 2018

Dr Kandiah Shriganeshan is a Senior Lecturer at the English Language Teaching Centre, University of Yaalpaanam (Jaffna). He has compiled and translated Tamil poems written by 25 Lankan poets. The book is published by The English Association of Vavuniya, and priced at Rs 250 per copy.

The author has published both, the original in Tamil and the English translation, side by side, which is open to closer scrutiny of translation methods.

In his opinion the following poets are worthy of translation, which would help the non-Tamil readers to know the contemporary Lankan Tamil poets:

T. Ajanthakumar, Amaradas, Ampuli, Anar, Avvai, Hildarubini, Ilangeswari, Jeyanthy Thalayasingam, T. Jeyaseelan, S. Karunakaran, Kuhanithy Kuhaneshan, Mullai Mustifa, Penniya, Proffi, Sharmila Seyyid, T. Sivakumaran, Naga.Sivasithamparm, Suthagari, Thamayanthi, ThabiluwillJega, Thaana Vishnu, Velanaiyoor Thas, Vijeyaluxmy Segarupan, Yaathrigan, and Yavanika.

Frankly, I haven’t heard or read their poems so far, except a few.

Shriganeshan has dedicated his book to the late Prof. Chelva Kanaganayagam (1952-2014), with the essential contributions the Professor has made.

The learned Doctor also gives in brief, his own contribution to Lankan Literature, in Tamil and English.

Five pages are devoted to the activities of the English Association of Vavuniya which again lists the importance of such an Association from 2001 to 2017. I notice that Lankan dons from the South had conducted workshops in Vavuniya in the North, in 2017

A frequent participant from the North, S. Pathmanathan, who is well known in the South as well as in North India has written an exhaustive Introduction to the book. Pathmanathan, also known as Sopa is a poet, translator, author and a scholar. He was earlier the Principal of Palaly Teachers’ Training College.




“His (Shriganeshan’s) stint at the Vavuniya Campus of the Jaffna University was a turning point in his career. He saw it as an opportunity to put into practice the ELT (English Language Teaching) methodology he had learnt at the Teacher’s College.

Having offered Drama and Theatre as a subject for his Degree, Shriganeshan broke new ground by applying theatre techniques to ELT.

His research which earned him a Ph.D. from the English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad was based on the field work he carried out in Vavuniya.’

Rt. Rev. Dr. S. Jebanesan, J.P (CSI Bishop Emeritus) has written the foreword to the book.

The Preface denotes the purpose in bringing out this book and the author’s contribution, assisting his students in comparing English and Tamil poems. We also thank him for the Bibliography of books relating to Lankan poetry including Tamil poetry.

He has given a comprehensive record of books and translators. It is a pity he has not read my own translations into English which appeared in newspaper columns. Perhaps, he reads such translations only in book form. His Acknowledgements are also to be noted. The title of his book is “My Choice”.

Now, as regards the translated poems, most of the poems are on Feminist themes. Among the poems translated are two women whose poems I have read in Tamil. They are Anaar and Avvai.

This is Dr K Shriganeshan’s English translations of their Tamil poems.

Anaar (A Muslim Woman Poet hails from Kalmunai. Her poem reads like this:

Two Women

It was a sharing wholesome and truthful, you and I under the glassy sky

Three-night birds without hindering us fly one after the other clearing the wind.

Their vast wings raise waves.

The wind-fragments scatter dashing against the glass.

Far away a single star trembles anxiously on our neighbour’s rooftop and tinkles like a nose ring.

You laughed recalling the magical moment when your hive was brimful spilling honey.

While you were wistful another bird flew away

I fed you to the point of surfeit and the moon walked away

I paint the pure light that drips from the folds of every frond the essence of the light that you watch in amazement on your fingers becomes a wonderful drink.

As we, the thirsty women drink endlessly the night drifts away having tasted the unsurpassed wonder

Thus. You and I lay under the endless glassy sky

The Other poet is Avvai. She is a sister of the celebrated poet Cheran.

The sons who left home without a word

My son has gone away like a little bird with a pair of new-born wings

My son would be listening to melodies carried by the breeze in a cool rainy night

Amidst thunder and lightning

One day when we were alone in the moon-lit night

Stars flung in the sky; in the field of jute which bloom in yellow

He asked why his father had died; why the war has come;

Why the sister’s hair had gone grey. Then he was a small boy.

Son! There would be no such events. The nights are full of hooting owls

Bombing is frequent and such heartrending events followed.

But my son! I know what you would be doing in a faraway place and the path you would be taking

Don’t get caught by the crazy soldiers. You need to be vigilant!

Further we have hundreds of enemies.

All the little ones who loved the people are in their graves.

Son! You have flown away like the little bird!

But, don’t lose the humane qualities

Learn how to love people.

I have quoted only two poems. Please read the other poems as well to see what the contemporary Tamil poets in Lanka feel about the community and their saga in war-torn North, East, and the Hill country in the past three decades.

Dr Kandiah Shriganeshan is Senior Lecturer, English Language Teaching Centre, University of Jaffna, Jaffna.

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