Dancing Storyteller - A lecture demonstration | Sunday Observer

Dancing Storyteller - A lecture demonstration

1 July, 2018

Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre, High Commission of India, Colombo will present Dancing Storyteller - the Art of narrating novel content through Classical Dance by Savitha Sastry, the Bharatha Natyam exponent from India, will be held at theSVCC (ICC) auditorium 16/2, Gregory’s Road, Colombo 7 on July 3 at 6 p.m.

Any form of art is meant to tell a story. Amidst the thousands of avenues that grab the audience’s attention, perhaps there is no equal to the grace, fluidity and beauty that Classical Dance presents. If there is a compelling story to be told, there is no art form that can say it with such conviction and beauty as classical dance.

The use of the technique to be able to tell novel stories that enthral the audience is the movement spearheaded by Savitha Sastry and her team. By means of this lecture demonstration, Savitha Sastry takes the audience through the journey of a dancer transforming into an artiste.
