If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
Deep in the ocean? Deep in the snow?
Deep in the ocean to talk to a fish?
If you could go anywhere that you could wish.
If I could go anywhere, here's what I'd do;
I'd pop into the pouch of a kind kangaroo,
I'd travel around for as long as I please,
And learn to say "Thank you" in kangarooese.
I'd make myself little and then I would see,
The part of a flower that interests a bee,
The way the world looks from the tail of a kite,
The way the birds sleep in their nests in the night.
I'd go through the hole in a needle like thread,
I'd spin like a top on the point of my head,
I'd skate, skate on an ice-cube, I'd swim in a glass,
I'd talk to a grasshopper, if any should pass.
And when I get tired of being so small,
I'd say Abracadabra to myself to be tall.
I'd step over oceans. I'd step over seas,
I'd cause a few shipwrecks if I had to sneeze.
I'd get a giraffe on the top of his head,
I'd find out for sure if the north pole was red.
And when I had seen all that I want to see,
I hope I'd know how to turn back into me.
Azma Faique,
Benhill College,