Chemical misadventure | Sunday Observer

Chemical misadventure

28 May, 2017

H.G. Wells is best known for his science fiction novels such as The Time Machine, The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Invisible Man and The War of the Worlds.

In The Invisible Man which is set in a village in England, the plot centres on a young scientist named Griffin who experiments with chemicals and optics which could make certain objects invisible. In a fit of impulsive behaviour, Griffin experiments on himself and becomes invisible. However, he tries to reverse the experiment when he realises the disadvantages of being invisible outweigh its advantages.

Griffin’s strange appearance arouses the suspicion of the inn keeper Mrs. Hall and the villagers and they try to find out more about him. Griffin keeps his invisibility a secret and moves to another village in order to avoid being detected. However, he confides in an acquaintance, Kemp from the University who provides him with temporary shelter.

The author portrays Griffin as an unsympathetic character that is of a homicidal maniac who wants to unleash a reign of terror. The novel explores the way in which the quest for unbridled power could bring about the eventual downfall of an individual.

Reviewed by Ryhanna Salie

