Review: Dr Edwin Ariyadasa
Book : Ranil Wickremesinghe, Four time Prime Minister of Sri Lanka,
A political biography
Author: Sampath Bandara
Translated by Vijitha Fernando
The lettering on the cover of this book imparts a compelling dignity to the work. The portrait of the Prime Minister selected for the cover, quite effectively projects the image of a mature statesman.
The typographical distinction and the sophisticated ‘finish’ of the publication, irresistibly beckon the reader, even before he begins to delve into the pith and substance, diligently arrayed within its covers.
These preliminary observations logically lead us to the well-known and committed man-of-letters, Author Sampath Bandara, who turns assiduous chronicler, for the purpose of this impactful biography. Sampath Bandara’s original Sinhala text has been elegantly transformed into a vivid English incarnation by the veteran Award-winning Writer and journalist Vijitha Fernando.
Together, this duo of talented literary craftsmen offer the reader a tantalizing smorgasbord of variegated and intriguing political data, along with enlightening personal details about the central individual of this work - Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe.
As a run-up to the Biography of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, Sampath Bandara launches upon a somewhat prolonged prologue on some of the significant biographies of the world.
Here, Bandara is quite clearly propelled by the praiseworthy intention to place the Biography of the Prime Minister on par with the greatest in this literary genre at global level.
In terms of the leadership ideals, esteemed and upheld by reputed global statesmen and elitist philosophers of mankind, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe is a global leader par excellence.
We could very well pause for a brief moment, to refresh our memory about Sampath Bandara’s sub-title for the Biography.
The author adds the line “A Political Biography” as if he was keen to nudge us to be sensitive, perhaps, to other layers, levels and labels of the life of the central personality.
This caution and hesitation to my mind, stems from the widely held perception that, those other multiple human preoccupations in a politician’s life should be either totally overlooked or should be muted into an undertone.
The sub-title apart, the Author has amply directed the reader’s concerned attention to the Prime Minister’s keen awareness of such life-enhancing interests as spirituality, culture, socialization, sports and other related issues that matter as soul-elevating initiatives.
Just a breather and we could address an inescapable duty. The author’s strenuous effort to compile this Biography should be adequately recognized. He takes a panoptic view of the political landscape of this country, over an era spanning nearly half- a century.
During that period of time, many a politician of a variety of parties and hues played their roles. Some reputations have faded, yielding to vicissitudes that unceasingly affect life.
But, for nearly two score years, an outstanding individual has not only existed but prevailed, stamping his mark indelibly on the era he lives in.
This of course is Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, who, by common consent, popular acclaim and national and international recognition, has attained the exquisite stature of an Elder Statesman.
Tracing the progress of the Prime Minister from his birth on, the author says, “Ranil, the second son of Esmond and Nalini was born on March 24, 1949.”
Here, I need a little personal diversion, from the main narration. This is a mere reference to a personal issue that functionally matters to this continuing story.
In March, 1949, Esmond Wickremesinghe, the illustrious Father of the Prime Minister – was the Chairman of Lake House. At his request, I – a young graduate at the time – saw him at his office. He personally recruited me to the Editorial Department of Lake House. In addition. Mr. Esmond Wickremesinghe took me to meet the Editorial Staff of Sinhala and English Newspapers at Lake House.
The official date of my recruitment by Mr. Esmond Wickremesinghe was the 3rd of March 1949.
Just 21 days later – on 24.03.1949 a fortunate child was born to Mr. and Mrs Wickremesinghe as their second son. And, that, of course, is the Prime Minister.
Sampath Bandara, chronicles the progress of Ranil Wickremesinghe, towards political heights until he reached the peak of Elder Statesman – a sobriquet that he has earned, through a brilliant and sustained political dedication.
In Sri Lanka’s post-Independence era he suffered defeats in quick succession, but he lived unperturbed through all those ups and downs, and asserted himself as a solid presence in the field of Sri Lankan politics.
In his chronicling of the Political Biography of the Prime Minister, the author has presented to the public domain a biography of unquestionably high quality.
The author’s treatment of the material he has garnered for this work has resulted in a volume that will at once possess political, social and moral depths.
What makes this work a highly estimable tome is the author’s unswerving dedication to the Truth.
The thematic personality that forms the core of this work represents an admirable confluence of several privileged dynasties, both of the up-country region and of the Deep South.
Brought up in such a highly privileged social and traditional background, the Prime Minister grew up in a family ambience, in which spiritual and cultural values were built-in life-ingredients.
As a child, he was initiated into letters at the auspicious hour by the then incumbent prelate at Gangarama. Raised in such an environment, the Prime Minister is still given to the acceptance of that Monastery, as his spiritual haven. The author places mandatory emphasis on the Prime Minister’s continued interest in Art, Culture, Literature and allied disciplines.
His learned pursuits that maintain him in an intellectual and aesthetic trim never diminish, enabling him to be an alert and perpetual participant in the ever-fluctuating global discourse, relating - especially to political ideologies that unceasingly drive nations and global communities. The Prime Minister has been able to advocate a system of unified governance, eschewing such ideologies as anti-establishment-focused rule that are currently considered passé. He has discarded neoliberal consensus strategies as well.
The Biography of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe should be carefully studied by all. The Prime Minister is a strong Champion of a unified Nation, as the only viable strategy for the establishment of a land of an integrated community, in which mutual fear is totally discarded and where friendly coexistence is firmly founded, making it impossible for narrow, diabolical minds to spread thoughts of violence disharmony and carnage.
The value of the author’s work is especially escalated by the portfolio of archaic photographs added to the book to further enliven the text. The best witness to the Prime Minister’s inner strength is the tribute offered by his life-long friend, the late Anura Bandaranaike. His unfading words: “Honesty is Ranil’s most important attribute. His hands are clean. It is not often that a country gets such a Leader.”
The words ring and echo down corridors of time.
Sampath Bandara’s alluring tome is a multi-hued bouquet offered to a rare Leader and a disciplined statesman, who continues to conduct his life of Governance with an unswerving loyalty to the highest ethical ideals of accepted and time-honoured Parliamentary Rule.
What comes through loud and clear is the Prime Minister’s unshaken conviction that, untrammeled public discourse is the iconic strategy of Governance left for humanity, that believes in lasting values that keep on ever-renewing, come what may. Sampath Bandara has presented to the public domain a Biography that will continue to be studied, admired and cherished. The Author earns the undiminished gratitude for his biographic studies of a distinguished personality most people would want to appreciate better.